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Channeled fromSpirit,

To you

So you can embody & flow with clear intuition

The lightcodes...






1. The lightcodes of SURRENDER


2. The lightcodes of CONNECTING


3. The lightcodes of RECEPTIVITY


4. The lightcodes of CLARITY


5. The lightcodes of TRUST


6. The lightcodes of INTEGRATION



Lean in to your divine feminine ...

And allow your intuition to lead

Module Breakdown

Module Breakdown

De-coding the masculine energetics of resistance, Control, Restriction & Rigidness


Crowning our divine feminine as the leader within


Calibrating with the state of surrender




Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Increasing the presence of your soul , Spirit & The universe


Establishing a strong, Consistent bond


Inviting in more guidance & communication



Reducing the 'noise' that clouds your guidance


Energetically opening up more space for receptivity


Identifying your receptors & How guidance is brought into your system 






Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Eradicating the disruptive questioning & doubtful 'what if's'


Creating crystalline clarity


Feeling the deep resonance


Being focused & sure about your intuition



Realising the limitations of your logic & releasing the grip


Come home to your natural guidance system with total reliance


Lean in to the intelligence & magic of your intuition




Operate from your soul's truth


Bring your intuitive insights into your reality 


Take aligned action


Allow yourself to flow, Channel & leap with joy!




12 sessions over a 6 week journey

Course Content Layout

Each week begins with a module training on how to active shifts within your system, Along with implementable practices.

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Module Trainings

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Channeled Meditations

After the module trainings, Spirit channels through a guided journey, Assisting us in our new embodiment.

Lightcode Transmissions

Group Support

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Following the channeled guided journey's, Spirit brings through specific lightcodes for us to download into our system, Expanding upon the progress we've made!

In the private group you can share your experiences with the other soul sisters, Or ask questions along the way.

Energetic Exchange

The live course is now complete and there are no set dates for the next round,

However you can access the complete self study online course!


(You'll also be invited into our private group space where you can share your experience & ask questions along the way.

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Self Study Course:

Available For $222 AUD


The reason why this course has channeled through me, Came from seeing beautiful souls, Who are so excited to connect with their Spirit Guides, Receive clear guidance, Communicate with passed loved ones, To channel higher dimensional consciousness, And so on...


However they get frustrated at themselves for 'getting in the way' with different forms of resistance (in their mind & masculine energy)


I see so clearly that they are on this brink of dropping into their divine feminine, Cracking wide open to RECEIVE with ease...


So, Naturally, my Spirit Guides decided to download these LIGHTCODES for me to share!

Jessica Reid

Clairvoyant, Channel

& Intuitive Development Expert

Become wide open ...

Let it all channel through


You currently feel...

You'd love to feel...

- Empathic & Intuitive, 

Although attached to others opinions


- Spiritually open yet limited by your mind's resistance 


- Receptive but your doubts affect your sureness


- Naturally feminine however your masculine gets in the way, Trying to micro-manage everything


- You've regretted ignoring your intuition in the past, Just not sure how to fully trust it either


- You can feel your soul prompting you to flow with your guidance, But you just can't seem to let go


- Like you're on the brink of your Intuitive embodiment





- Empathic, Intuitive & Embodied in your truth


- Spiritually open & Surrendered


- Receptive, Clear & sure of your guidance


- Empowered in your feminine, Like a queen, While knowing that your masculine has everything taken care of


- Trusting of your Intuition, Knowing that it's your highest intelligence


- In total flow with what's channeling through you, Feeling the alignment & expansion


- Living in total integrity with your soul!




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If you feel ready to receive these lightcodes ...

The live course is now complete and there are no set dates for the next round,

However you can access the complete self study online course!


(You'll also be invited into our private group space where you can share your experience & ask questions along the way.

Self Study Course:

Available For $222 AUD


If you have any questions ...

Connect with me through any of these channels:



Instagram DM @jessicareidclairvoyant

Facebook Jessica Reid


Love, Jessie x

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